Ever since I had my first beautiful baby, I knew intuitively that I wanted to keep her close at all times. Babywearing just seemed natural. It felt weird that it’s a rare occurrence in our western society.
I started learning & reading up on the extensive research on the topic. I’ve visited multiple schools in Europe to learn the different techniques. I’ve been an educator in my former life as well but with babywearing, I’ve found my calling.
Go with your heart, trust your parental instincts, but let your mind be guided by the research done by specialists.
When I started researching the existing science around babywearing, it became very clear to me that our North-American understanding lacks far behind the extensive trials done and literature published over in Europe. Especially Germany seemed to be the leading western country to bring this ancient tradition back into the western consciousness. I am doing my part to bringing this vital information to the English-speaking part of the world.
Babies need security, warmth, and a strong bond to their parents to have a good base from which they can start exploring the world. A baby held close is not coddled, it is loved and supported with everything it needs in it’s current stage of development. The best we can do is give it what it needs in the safest way possible.
That’s why my (and by extension my staff’s) main priority is always best practices and proper babywearing safety before anything else.
Secondarily, I encourage parents to try out the different safe options that exist on the market themselves together with their babies to figure out which fits their family best.